Hint slider image

The circular navigation element consists of sectors representing headings of the corresponding level. To move to the next level, click on the sector with the desired heading.

Hint slider image

The number of items at the current level may exceed the number of sections in the circular navigator.

In the current position:

Numbers 1-5 indicate visible sections

Numbers 6-8 indicate hidden sections

Number 3 indicates the active section

Hint slider image

You can rotate the circular navigator by holding down any of its sections with the mouse and moving in the desired direction. This allows for quick navigation between sections.

In the current position:

Numbers 3-7 indicate visible sections

Numbers 8-2 indicate hidden sections

Number 5 indicates the active section

Hint slider image

The section located in the top position of the circular navigator is considered active. Hovering over another section temporarily changes the active section.

In the current position:

Numbers 3-7 indicate visible sections

Numbers 8-2 indicate hidden sections

Number 7 indicates the active section

Hint slider image

Additional control buttons are located in the center of the circle:

  • Top button: returns to the previous navigation level.
  • Side buttons with arrows: rotate the circular navigator by half the number of sections.
  • Bottom button: opens an alternative navigation menu. This menu can also be accessed by hovering the mouse over the left sidebar of the interface.

Livestock and poultry
State of the art MSW recycling
Wastewater treatment and neutralization
Drinking Water Preparation
Water treatment for boiler houses
Disposal and recycling of used car tires
Life support for remote objects
Regional MSW operators
Oil production and oil refining
Pulp & paper industry
Coal industry
Automotive industry
Pigsty Neutralization
Electricity and fuel from waste
Organo-mineral fertilizer from manure
Wastewater treatment of the slaughterhouse
Water treatment
Waste water treatment and neutralization
Monitoring and managing a farm
Presentation of the reVODA line
Wastewater MSW landfills
Household drains
Stocks of agricultural farms
Stocks of industrial enterprises
Sludge maps of water utilities
Disposal of sludge and sludge
Drinking water extraction from river and lake sources
Iron removal station
Drinking water disinfection
Removal of micro- and nano-plastics from water
Water treatment from mineralized well
Utilization and processing oil sludge
Remediation of MSW landfills
Cleaning of reservoirs from garbage
Oil spill cleanup and response
Liquidation of unauthorized landfills
Formation water treatment at OTU
Gas dehydration for pipelines
Piping second level
Innercut pipe cutters
Heavy oil desulfurization
Getting synthetic fuel
Oil spill response
Utilization and refining of oil sludge
Effluent and recycled water treatment
Utilization of waste of pulp and paper industry
Electricity and heat from pulp and paper waste
Diesel fuel from pulp and paper waste
Utilization of bark and lignin
Recycling of paper waste
Synthetic fuel from coal
Mine water treatment
Coal transportation
Utilization and recycling of used tires
Elimination of silt ponds
Utilization of freshly collected sludge
Wastewater treatment
New generation chassis
Recycling auto oils
Utilization and recycling of used tires
Impulse gear box
Design of ecovillages
Water treatment and water supply
Drainage and water treatment
Getting heat and electricity from MSW
State of the art MSW recycling
Disposal and recycling of used car tires
Recycling and utilization of RDF
Drinking Water Preparation
Transport systems of the second level
Proposals to the heads of the constituent entities
Offers to the government
Accumulated environmental harm
Zero Waste
Ballast water