Vacuum Integrated Systems (VIS Technology)

Production technology of Vacuum Integrated Systems (VIS) is based on fundamental research of field emission devices, which have been carried out by the team of scientists under the leadership of Dr. Vladimir Zasemkov since 1986.

For more than 30 years of fundamental researche, great progress in the formation of a new component base and structural & technological basis of vacuum integrated systems has been achieved. Microchips of a new generation, superior to all current semiconductor chips in terms of quality and other key parameters were designed.

VIS elements combine all the advantages of emission (high speed, lack of self-noise and other) and semiconductor (small dimensions, low energy consumption) electronics.

Major technological processes of VIS are carried out within a single technological cycle. Application of a new component base is not only an expanding functional parameter of modern electronic devices, but also allowing us to start designing altogether new architecture of electronic devices.

Moving to VIS technology is a new age in the world of modern electronics and the next step of its evolutional development.


Use of a new vacuum electronic component basis affords an opportunity to change the initial principle of microchip operation, i.e. to transfer from architecting of binary systems to intellectual matrices, constructed on neuromorphic architecture similar to brain structure. A human brain, containing about 1 billion neurons, where every neuron is connected to thousands of identical cells, fulfils relatively simple operations, representing a factually perfect concurrent and likely analogue processing unit. The most advanced computer is hard to compare with a human brain and this is not because of a gigantic number of logic neuron-cells. The fundamental difference is in the method of information processing, prominent level of concurrency and linkage between neurons. Besides, the data of neural networks are not contained in a separate memory unit, like in a traditional computer, it is distributed, stored and contained in the form of weight coefficient. Operations of computation and commutations are combined in the neural networks.

Working out the production technology of intellectual matrices on the basis of VIS technology will allow manufacturing a number cruncher, which can be implanted into any chip to change all parameters of a device.

Electronics will make a step into a new level and supports creation of fully-featured systems of artificial intellect.


  • 1) Engineers of VITIM are the first team in the world to make cathode-luminescent displays based on the matrix of silicon micro-points in 1986. Pixel pitch of the display prototype on silicon substrate, produced in 1988, was 6 microns that corresponded to the resolution of 4 233 ppi. A display of SVGA standard (800x600) was 4.8 x 3.8 mm in size, meaning the display for a current full-frame 4K standard (4096 x 3072 pixels) would be as little as 3 cm diagonally.

  • 2) In 1991 under the VITIM vacuum technology, our engineers produced the prototype of field emission display on a glass substrate. It featured carbon film (also known as graphene) used as emission material. Display matrix of 160x200 pixels was attached to a glass substrate of 60x4 in size. Each pixel contained 3 lighting fragments of 50x150 microns (RGB system). The matrix itself were positioned in hermetic casing. The present development was fulfilled for a space exploration programme.

  • 3) In 1993 the prototype of FED-display, made under the VITIM technology with graphene cathodes, was presented at the International vacuum microelectronics conference (IVMC-93) in Newport, USA and generated lots of buzz amongst the professionals.

  • 4) The first field emission display is still operating in spite the fact it has recently celebrated its 25-th anniversary!