Self-Sustained Generation of
Electric and Heat Energy
SEVA is a sustainable power unit, designed for utilization and conversion of exhaust gases into electric & heat energy
SEVA converts exhaust energy, generated by running internal combustion engines, notably petrol, diesel and gas engines, gas-turbine power units, and heating boilers, into usable electric energy

Seva Highlights

  • Self-sufficiency – SEVA can be positioned everywhere regardless of the infrastructure or a climate zone
  • Unique structure and ecological safety
  • Structural simplicity, customized features, and high reliability of all joints and mechanisms (5 years without overhaul)
  • Low maintenance cost (max once per annum), all spare parts are always available in stock
  • SEVA is capable of providing customers with both electric and heat energy in 24/7 mode
  • High electric power quality and significant cost reduction of 1 kw∙h

Operational Prinicple

End Market Products
  • Heat energy (up to 40% of the gas generator power)
  • Electric energy (up to 30% of the gas generator power)
Customer receives electric energy, quality of which meets all standards and regulations
A built-in battery unit accumulates superfluous energy as a grid-connected inverter distributes it in accordance with peak demand
  • Thermal collector and heat control system
  • Inverter with accumulating battery unit and SEVA control system
Area: up to 1.5 sq.m
  • Natural to the environment carbon dioxide gas CO2
SEVA serves as an ecological utilizer of toxic exhausts as the only gas it releases into the atmosphere is CO2
SEVA substantially reduces negative impact on the environment and obviates global warming thanks to reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
Converting Column
  • Conversion and utilization of harmful impurities
  • Utilization of exhaust heat
  • Generation of electric energy from exhaust gases
Exhausts are completely purified while the gases are passing through the SEVA converting column. All toxic substances are converted into water and then completely removed
SEVA recuperates kinetic energy of exhaust gases & heat from the running device of any power unit to generate of up to 30% of additional energy (depending on the temperature and amount of exhaust gases)
  • Surface area: from 5 to 10 sq.m
  • The column height: from 10 to 35m
Exhaust gases
Pollutant Emissions
Exhaust heat
SEVA converts exhaust energy, generated by running internal combustion engines, notably petrol, diesel and gas engines, gas-turbine power units, and heating boilers, into usable electric energy
Utilized Exhausts
Connection of available customer’s exhausts
Gas Generator
Utilized Fuel
Based on internal combustion engine, petrol- or diesel-generator, gas turbine power unit
Methane delivered through a pipeline
Bottled propane
Petrol, diesel fuel
Area: from 5 to 10 sq.m

SEVA Application Fields

Independent Energy and Heat Power Supply
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Conversion of Released Heat into Electric Energy
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Conversion of Exhaust Energy from the Running Aggregates into Electric Energy
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Movable Energy Module
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Independent Energy and Heat Power Supply

SEVA is designed for independent and self-sustained supply of electric and heat energy to commercial and residential objects in 24/7 mode. Operation of SEVA is equally effective in summer and winter regardless of climatic conditions.

We offer the following product range of the SEVA models:
Large Energy-Intensive Enterprises
  • Electric power of 0.65 MW
    Heat power of 0.63 MW
  • Electric power of 1.30 MW
    Heat power of 1.25 MW
  • Electric power of 2.00 MW
    Heat power of 1.95 MW
  • Electric power of 2.50 MW
    Heat power of 2.45 MW
Medium Energy-Intensive Industrial Enterprises
  • Electric power of 45 MW
    Heat power of 70 MW
  • Electric power of 130 MW
    Heat power of 130 MW
  • Electric power of 400 MW
    Heat power of 400 MW
Private Sector and Small Enterprises
  • Electric power of 5 MW
    Heat power of 70 MW
  • Electric power of 15 MW
    Heat power of 70 MW
  • Electric power of 30 MW
    Heat power of 70 MW
Conversion of Released Heat into Electric Energy

Thanks to effective utilization of exhaust and discarded heat, SEVA is capable of converting wasted exhaust heat into useful energy and delivering it to your power supply system, significantly cutting the cost of 1 kW∙h.

Heat Supply Units of Commercial Enterprises
Large thermal and nuclear power plants, coal and gas power stations, cooling towers, and other industrial heat exchangers.
Data & Computing Centers
BIG DATA, servers, mining centers.
Conversion of Exhaust Energy from the Running Aggregates into Electric Energy

As SEVA is capable of utilizing exhaust gases from any power unit, it allows generating and delivering of up to 30% of additional energy to your power supply system.

  • Running petrol-, diesel-, gas-generating power units
  • Gas-turbine installations
  • Other power units, operating on the same principle of fuel combustion and releasing exhaust gases into the atmosphere
Movable Energy Module

The module is designed for remote regions without power networks or where there is no technical capability for centralized power supply. The SEVA module is mobile, meaning that all primary and auxiliary equipment (excluding fuel tanks) is positioned on the basis of a five-ton container, delivered by a traditional transportation means, i.e. by roads, rail, water, or air. Autonomous SEVA module can be delivered to any place in the world, even to the one with extreme weather conditions, deployed directly on the site, and immediately used as intended.

SEVA is equipped with a gas generator, made on the basis of internal combustion engine and powered by different types of fuel, such as methane, propane and petrol.

Such universal approach significantly reduces the risk to run out of electric energy or heat because of fuel supply problems in hard-to-reach regions.

Converting column of SEVA unit can be from 10 to 35 m high, depending on the required power. All structural elements are intended for a long-term operation with min OPEX in any climatic conditions within the broad temperature range from -50˚С to +60˚С.

  • Output electric power
    from 15 to 45 kW
  • Output heat electric power
    from 70 kW
  • Heat and power supply for all premises of up to
    300 m2 in area.
  • Deployment and commissioning requires 48 hours and 4 technicians:
    1 supervising engineer and 3 specialists.
Converting column of SEVA unit can be from 10 to 35 m high, depending on the required power. All structural elements are intended for a long-term operation with min OPEX in any climatic conditions within the broad temperature range from -50˚С to +60˚С.