Ultra-Perfect Single Crystals
Crystals are the most eagerly sought, expensive and at the same time deficient component of modern tools. Crystal is able to generate laser beam, detect ionized radiation, transform solar light into electricity etc. Nevertheless, scientific and technological progress demands higher level of perfectness and enhanced specifications of single crystals.
Crystals has no lifetime – however, majority of market fields are currently experiencing ever-growing shortage of high-quality flawless single crystals due to energy intensive methods of their growth and large amount of waste produced during the synthesis.
The Platform for Synthesis of Single Crystals Includes:
The technology of single crystals growth “Exceptional Environment”
Unique chambers for single crystals growth
Own scientific school in the field of single crystals growth
Exceptional Environment
Growth technology
Competitive Advantages of The Technology “Exceptional Environment”
- Specifications
- “Exceptional Environment”
- Other growth methods
- Weight
- 20 kg
- 1 kg
- - diameter
- до 140 mm
- до 50 mm
- - length
- до 300 mm
- до 150 mm
- Dislocating density
- min 100 cm2
- 10000 cm2
- Energy consumption of 1 chamber
- 5 kW
- 30 kW
- Feedstock efficiency ratio
- 90%
- 40%
Present Time
We are aimed at production of high-quality large-format scintillating crystals - cadmium tungstate (CWO) and zinc tungstate (ZWO). Cadmium tungstate CdWO4 is the cadmium salt of a tungstic acid. Cadmium tungstate is a dense, solid, insoluble in water and inorganic acids, chemically inert crystal.
Ultra-pure single crystals CdWO4 are transparent and colourless. The density is 7.9-8.0 g/cm3, melting temperature – 1271oC, refraction coefficient is 2.2-2.3; Mohs hardness is 4-4.5, non-hygroscopic. CWO is one of the densest and quick scintillators.
