
GREENBLAZE Produces Quality Boiler Fuel by Recycling RDF, Coal, and Worn Car Tires

For more than 3 months, the company's engineering and design staff carried out an extensive industrial testing program on the operating horizontal greenBLAZE installation. Overall, the program was completed successfully. Its result was a laboratory analysis of the obtained boiler fuel and ash residue in an accredited laboratory.

In relation to the produced fuel, which ADGEX called “boiler fuel”, the main emphasis was placed on its comparison with heavy oil fuel (also known as bunker fuel, residual fuel oil, or mazut), which today steadily occupies a part of the world market of petroleum products and has commercial value. The obtained analysis of boiler fuel showed that the liquid (fuel) obtained on the greenBLAZE processor, according to average indicators, is qualitatively better than the parameters of fuel oil and exceeds it in characteristics.

The results obtained from the completed industrial test cycle allowed the ADGEX team of designers and technologists to proof confirmation that the process of obtaining fuel on the greenBLAZE installation, as well its basic provisions and the technical solutions adopted are technically correct.

Based on the test results, the following program was planned and approved by the ADGEX team. In particular, over the course of several months, the team will undergo modifications to the Fuel Synthesis Unit and improve the technological process for obtaining fuel. As a result, ADGEX expects to achieve higher boiler fuel characteristics and increase the quantitative yield of boiler fuel.

ADGEX has developed an avant-garde approach to MSW recycling with improved waste management capabilities, especially in cost-effective material handling, backed by efficient and cost-effective technical solutions in the fields of sorting, screening, disposal of organic and recovery of inorganic parts, obtaining outcome energy products.
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