SustainableMe Energy Storage

energyBRICK is a unique fully automated energy storage solution for universal accumulation and effective distribution of electrical energy.

Project Manager

Daniil Makogonov
Daniil is a practitioner in the fields of electronics and radiophysics and a great expert in energetics, particularly in the alternative methods or renewable generation, gas industry, and printing sector.

Green Energy Distribution


Renewable energy sources
energyBRICK can be connected to a power grid or any alternative power source, such as solar panels & wind turbines, and waste to energy system ЦИНЭР greenBLAZE


Customized scalable power storage
Mobility and modular design of the energyBRICK units allows forming high-effective storage facilities of any size and capacity


Electricity delivery
energyBRICK units are delivered by all transportation means. Thanks to low self-discharge, which is as little as 5% per annum, even transportation over long distances ensures reliable delivery of the electricity with minimal energy losses

Individual Power Grids

Smart Cities
Industrial and commercial objects
Hard-to-reach regions
Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) Facilities provide failure-free operation of an equipment in case of power outages
Stable and urgent power supply in case of emergency. Development of local microgrids to make the objects less reliant on centralized power supply systems
Delivery of electric energy to isolated regions, providing remote communities with uniterrupted energy supply
Indoor Solutions
Household grid-connected energyBRICK units
For domestic use
Outdoor Solutions
Independent power supply for commercial objects
For industrial use
Use of energyBRICK as a universal traction battery for electric transport
For E-transport

energyBRICK Timeline

energyBRICK Timeline

Purchase of consumables for a mass production of industrial storages energyBRICK
Presentation of energyBRICK as a part of waste to energy processor at the offsite of the State Duma Committee of Russian Federation
Presentation of energyBRICK as a part of waste-to-energy processor at All-Russian Conference on Agrarian Issues
Selection of an appropriate site to set up a mass production line for manufacturing of industrial storages energyBRICK
Selection of a site to set up a mass production line of traction batteires for e-transport
Presentation of the energyBRICK project at the 4th Innovation Forum and the Forum “Russian Industrialist”
Independent testing of the energyBRICK unit.
Official lab tests in an accredited laboratory
The energyBRICK project is officially supported by the Government of Australia. As a result - the project is enlisted into the National Program “BioFuture”
Presentation of the energyBRICK unit as a part of integrated project on the 1st International Forum on Waste Management
Registration of Technical Specifications No 27.20.20-002-31023064-2017 in “Standartinform” Agency
Development of Technical Specifications “Energy Storage Unit of Nickel-Zinc Type – the Model NEAT-120”
Preliminary negotiations about placement of order for the energyBRICK units
Conduct of International presentation, Signing of MoUs
Presentation of the energyBRICK project to the Government of Australia
Certification of the samples by Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University
Development of optimization modes.
Conceptualization of the “energyBRICK”
Participation in “Energy Future Conference” in Sydney, Australia
Participation in “Electrotrans” exhibition in Moscow, Russian Federation
Optimization of the energyBRICK structure based on research and testing results, creation of the model, its testing, upgrade, and production of a prototype
Production of a laboratory model, optimization of its structure and operating modes
Laboratory research & development of the operating principle:
- Production of various materials for accumulating plates;
- Production of an electrochemical cell